Ata Servati – a male celebrity – born on Monday May 26th 1952, in Tehran, Iran,. He left just before the height of 1979 the Revolution when he was on the top of his craft.
This current state of affairs has thrust Ata Servati into the
International media spotlight, especially after the release of his novel
in 2006 entitled “In Search of Heaven.” Mr. Servati is a noted
spiritual poet, prize winning playwright, actor, producer, director and
the World Peace Award Honoree.
Through Enlightenment Entertainment Ata has five projects in development as follow, “BABA” “In Search Of Heaven”, “CellFish” “CellFish 2- The Final Game.” “Dream On Empty.” He has also recently published his novel “In Search of Heaven” and a book of spiritual poetry from the heart, “I Am A Lotus”. His new novels “Baba”, “In Search Of Love” and a three-part compilation “The Shrine”, “Married To The Well”, The Silent Begga.